Require Users Enter an Alternative Email Address

Lee David Painter


All of the emails that are sent out by LogonBox can be configured to be delivered to either a users primary email address, a secondary email address or all of their addresses. By default emails will be sent to the primary address that is pulled in from your user directory.

If you need to send emails to secondary email addresses and would like a user to enter the alternative email address themselves then you can configure the system to request this when they next login.

Additional email addresses may be required if for example you have One Time Password authentication configured for a password reset flow. Users may not be able to retrieve their primary email if they have forgotten their password. So providing an alternative allows them to receive a one time password on another email account that they still have access to.


User Attribute Configuration

Navigating to Confguration -> User Attributes you will find a number of settings that allow you to define what properties from your user database that are visible and/or editable by your end users.


In the User Attributes tab the first setting you will find is the "Missing Email Prompt". This defaults to None. 



Click on the button to reveal the options



Primary Required

If the user has no primary email address saved in your user directory then require that they enter one during login. Note the primary email address is normally provided by your user database and the user will see no prompt if this is already populated.

If you set this value, any value entered will be written back to the user directory. For example, in Active Directory, the mail attribute is mapped to the users primary email and will be updated if a primary email address is required.

Primary and Secondary Required

Secondary email addresses are stored in the LogonBox database. If you require that the user has both a primary and a secondary email address configured then choose this setting. Only the missing fields will be prompted for.

Secondary Required

Only requre that the user has entered a secondary email address.

Secondary email addresses ARE NOT written back to the user directory. For example, in Active Directory, a user may have secondary email addresses defined in the proxy attribute. These are imported by LogonBox BUT NOT written back to the AD. Any secondary email a user enters in addition to those imported remains exclusively in the LogonBox database.