Access Manager: How to build the certificate chain for your SSL certificate

This article is marked as obsolete.

If you are not provided with a full or valid certificate chain for your SSL certificate it is possible to create your own chain using the server certificate that you did receive.

  1. Open the certificate and select the Certificate Path tab.

  2. The table here should show you the full certificate chain, at the bottom will be the certificate you are currently viewing, select a certificate above this and select the View Certificate option.

  3. The same type of window will open but now which the newly opened certificates details, select the Details tab and the the Copy to File option.

  4. A certificate export wizard will open, select the Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) option, set an identifying name, and then complete the wizard and the file will be exported. Repeat these steps for all certificates in the table.

  5. Open the exported certificates from the chain in a text editor, you will need to condense all of the files into one output, start with the first intermediate certificate at the top, if there are more add the text to the file in order and end with the root certificate. Save this file.

  6. When uploading your certificate you can now use this as the Certificate Chain file.