Deploying LogonBox VM in Docker



A system that already has docker installed. For the below examples, docker was installed on a Linux Debian operating system and all the commands were run as root.


Persisting data

As changes will be made to the Hypersocket configuration, these will need to be saved separately as Docker does not do this by default. There are two locations where changes will be written, so we first need to create a new volume for each of these locations with these commands:

docker volume create --name hypersocket-idm-data

docker volume create --name hypersocket-idm-mysql


Deploying a Virtual Machine

It is incredibly easy to run a LogonBox image in docker. A VM can be downloaded and run with just a single command, but we also want to add the above 2 volumes that were created for configuration changes:

 docker run -it -d -v hypersocket-idm-mysql:/var/lib/mysql -v hypersocket-idm-data:/opt/hypersocket-idm -p 443:443 hypersocket/hypersocket-idm


The -d flag tells docker to start up the VM in a detached state

The -p flag defines which port to forward from the host server through to the image. In this case, the Linux Debian host has no web server installed, so we can just forward the standard HTTPS port through to the image.


Finding LogonBox image names

You can find out the name of the image you want to use by issuing the following command:

docker search hypersocket

The below image shows the a generic hypersocket image, Nervepoint Access Manager and the LogonBox product (hypersocket-idm). Note that when running the images you must refer to them by their full name - i.e hypersocket/hypersocket-idm.



Checking VM status

You can see if the image is running with the docker ps command. Note here that you can see the Container ID which is required for stopping the container. You can also see the port that was mapped.


For more information on how to use Docker, you can take a look at the docker user guide here:


Accessing the LogonBox server

Simply open up a browser and point it at the Docker machine's host IP address on the port number that you used in the port forward command (in this case, we used the standard HTTPS port 443).

You should be presented with the Setup Wizard. Follow this wizard, after which you should be able to log on to the server and begin to set up your users and resources.



Stopping the docker container

First get the container ID using docker ps. You can stop a container by issuing the docker stop command (note that you only need to type in the first few characters of the Container ID).

For example, in the below image we were able to stop the container by just typing: docker stop 65


Note: As Docker is a containerised VM host, the VMCentre that runs on other LogonBox VM images is not available, neither are other methods of access such as SSH.