Access Manager: How to replace the default text using overrides

This article is marked as obsolete.

Access Manager now provides a way for you to manually override any piece of text in the system with whatever you wish to enter rather than just translating text through the locale setting. Go to Configuration > System and expand the Language section.

There are two kinds of override, 'page' overrides and 'core' overrides, to begin we'll look at a 'page' override.

You must identify the 'page' you are changing and the 'key' then provide the text that the should be shown in its place. For example if you wished to change the text on the User Login/My Account page:

  • com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.userportal.UserPortalLoginPage@title=User Login
  • com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.userportal.UserPortalLoginPage@subtitle=Login to your Account
  • com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.userportal.UserPortalLoginPage@description=Manage you Access Manager Account


These changes would result in the following changes to the User Login page


Other pages are similar, everything provided before the '@' is the 'page' name, everything after it is the 'key'. The page names for the main actions are:

  • Account Unlock - com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.accountunlock.AccountUnlockPage
  • Password Reset - com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.passwordreset.PasswordResetPage
  • Create Account - com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.createaccount.CreateAccountPage
  • User Login - com.nervepoint.wui.selfservice.userportal.UserPortalLoginPage
  • Admin Login - com.nervepoint.wui.core.login.AdminLoginPage


Each of the pages has three keys:

  • @title sets the web browser title
  • @subtitle sets the page title
  • @description sets the text below the subtitle


A 'core' override only use a key and is used in options that use the Access Manager API, options for the desktop app and mobile interface mainly but some configuration options are also 'core' overrides. For example you can change the text displayed for each of the options in the mobile interface:

rpc.MOBILE.accountUnlockScope.title=Locked your Account?


Other overrides available for the Mobile interface include:

  • Account Unlock option – rpc.MOBILE.accountUnlockScope.title
  • Password Reset option – rpc.MOBILE.passwordResetScope.title
  • Change Password option - rpc.MOBILE.passwordChangeScope.title
  • Update Account option - rpc.MOBILE.userPortalLoginScope.title


The easiest way to work out which text to use is to search for the text you want to replace in this attached text file which contains every single override available in Access Manager and the default line that is set.

You can then copy the whole line you need and change the text after the = sign to your new text.


NOTE: after setting a text override, you must restart the Access Manager service for the new text to show.