Access Manager: How to change the Font with Custom CSS

This article is marked as obsolete.

Changing the Font

It is possible the change the font that is used by Access Manager by adding some Custom CSS entries. The following four commands are required to change all text on Access Manager, if you wish to only change certain types of text you can enter the specifc sections as references below. Add the entries to the CustomCSS option and replace "Arial" with the font you wish to use for each.


.ui-widget {
font-family: Arial;

Body {
font-family: Arial;

.CodeMirror {
font-family: Arial;

input, textarea,keygen, select, button, isindex {
font-family: Arial !important;


The .ui-widget and Body elements will change almost all text that is displayed in Access Manger, body headers, the button for different pages.

The input element will change the font of all buttons, text areas, and text entries on the system.

.CodeMirror will allow you to set the font that is used for text entry that allow scripts and variables, such as Templates and Provisioning configuration.



Changing the Font Size

To change the font size used in Access Manager additional Custom CSS will need to be provided. The following entries should cover the majority of text present in Access Manager, simply replace the X with the font size you wish to use.


Section Titles, Logout link, Footer
body {
font-size: Xpt;

Page Buttons
.ui-button-text {
font-size: Xpx;

Section Buttons
.ui-tabs-nav- li a {
font-size: Xpx;

Text Fields
.fieldRow, .fieldRow .ui-widget {
font-size: Xpt !important;

form {
font-size: Xpt;

Page Heading
.ui-description .subtitle {
font-size: Xpt;

Page Heading Subtitle
.ui-description .description {
font-size: Xpt;

Table Fields
.dataview tbody td {
font-size: Xem; }