Installing LogonBox on Windows

Christopher Dakin

LogonBox is deployed by default as a pre-built Virtual Machine.

This way we can give you everything you need to get a LogonBox service running on a set of resources that have all been tested together, containing everything needed for that service.


This article though covers the option to install LogonBox directly onto a windows system.

Note that this method may be more difficult to support as we cannot control what else is installed on the environment or test for every possible configuration.

This version of LogonBox also uses a different underlying database (H2 as opposed to the default MySQL) to minimise the pre-requisites.





Launch the setup executable, OK the UAC prompt, then click Next to begin.


Accept the License Agreement and click Next.


Select the folder to install LogonBox and click Next.


LogonBox files are now copied to the system.


Change the HTTP(S) ports if you need to or leave them as default and click Next.


Enter the name of the start menu folder, or accept the default and click Next again.


You will now be presented some information about connecting to the LogonBox service when it starts. Click Next and then Finish.


The LogonBox Identity Manager service should now install and run automatically.

You may now go to https://localhost in a web browser and continue with the setup wizard, as detailed here: