How to get a free LogonBox license

Chris Dakin


From LogonBox version 2.4.5, we are no longer able to generate free licenses via our helpdesk.

This is because free licenses can now be generated by you directly from the product, with immediate deployment of the new license, saving you time.



In order for the free license option to become available, your system must meet these two requirements:

  1. Your server must be on at least version 2.4.5.
  2. Your evaluation license must have expired, it is not possible to generate a free license whilst still in the evaluation period.


License Generation

When your evaluation license has expired, when you log in as your admin, you will see the Unlicensed Product page.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Links section where you will see a 'Continue with limited free license' link, click that.


This will take you to our webstore where you can complete the order for the free license.


Follow the steps to create a new account, then enter the validation code that is sent to you once you have set up a new account.


Once your account is created, click Checkout Now.

Once the order is complete, navigate back to your LogonBox server and on the unlicensed page, click 'Other License Management Options'.

Click the link on the right side 'Purchase not showing? Click to synchronize your latest license'. This will synchronise your new license.