Allowing users to see or edit their User Attributes

Ashley Grant

Your LogonBox server can be used to grant your users the ability to see, and even edit their domain-based User Attributes. The User Attributes page can be found in Administration->User Directory->User Attributes.


What are User Attributes?

User Attributes are variables that can be used to provide different values based on the user that is in use at the time, for example a user attribute for usernames could be configured to use the first letter of the name and the surname so John Doe would receive a username of jdoe while Peter Johnson would be pjohnson. The User Attributes page contains multiple tabs that are used.

The Account Creation tab is used with LogonBox's Create Account feature and is used to generate user details automatically based on information provided during the process, and default values for other options.


The User Attributes tab allows configuration of which attributes from the user directory can be edited/seen by the user when they are logged in to My Account.


The Customer Attributes tab allows for the creation of your own new attributes. The Attribute Categories tab allows creation of categories to help with sorting the attributes. 

How to give read access

By default, the Everyone Role includes permissions for users to be able to both See (Profile Read) and Edit (Profile Update) their user attributes. If you wish to change this so that users do not have either of these then remove these permissions from the Everyone role. If you wish for users to only be able to see their attributes then set the role to include Profile Read as shown below.


Select the Update button to save the changes and now when the user opens their User Attributes page they will be able to see their attributes but not change them.

How to give edit access

Now if you want to ensure the users have access to make changes to their attributes ensure that the Profile Update permission has been set in the Everyone Role.


When users login to the My Account option they can navigate to Home->My Profile->My Details. where they will be presented with the attributes that are available to be viewed and edited.