Bulk Importing Local Users

Christopher Dakin

 If you are using a built-in local user database with LogonBox, you can bulk-import the user accounts to your LogonBox Directory. 


Step 1 - Create the CSV file

The CSV file must at least have usernames, but we recommend you get users' full names, emails, and phone numbers. 

You can create the file with or without a header line. For example:



Note the number of columns in the file, including the Quote character (used when a value contains special characters) and the Delimiter character (which separates your values). If you are using Excel, you do not need to note the Quote and Delimiter characters.


Step 2 - Create the Import CSV Automation Task

1. Log in to the LogonBox Directory as admin.

2. Click Business Rules from the left menu and select Automations

3. In the Automations Page, click Create.



4. On the Create Automation panel, enter a Name and select Import CSV as the Task.

5. In the Options tab, enter the Quote Char and the Delimiter Char if they differ from the defaults (Excel CSV files do not need any changes).

6. Click the Source tab.



7. Click Choose File and select the CSV file you want to upload.

8. Enter the number of Columns in the CSV file.

9. Set the Contains Headers option to ON if the CSV file has headers, set it to OFF otherwise.

10. Click Create.

      Note: Since importing local users is a one-time automation task, you do not need to configure other options.


Step 3 - Create the Import Users task

1. On the Automations page, click the + symbol next to the Import task that you just created. This shows the task as a module.



2. Click the  icon in the module to chain a new automation task off of this one.



3. On the Create Automation panel, enter a Name.

    The Event is automatically set to Import CSV.

4. Select Success from the Triggers On drop-down.

5. For the Triggers Task option, search and select Create Local User. This opens the settings for the task.

6. Click the Credentials tab.

7. Enter the Principal Name - which is the username. Note the column with usernames in the CSV file. 

8. Click ${} and select the corresponding column value. For example, select ${attr.column1} if the username is column one.

9. Configure the remaining settings:

    Send Notification: Emails each user about their account in the system (along with the login credentials).

    Force Password Change: Forces users to change their passwords on their first login.

    Generate Password: Generates a random password for each user. If OFF, you can either have a hard-coded password for each user or import the passwords from the CSV file using a column attribute.



Note: You can add the user to groups using a column attribute in the Groups tab. If you want to add multiple groups, you need one group in each column. This allows you to add multiple column attributes.


10. Click the Details tab and enter the user's FullnameEmail, and Mobile.

11. Click ${} and select the corresponding column value.



    You can add more email addresses and mobile numbers in the Additional Contacts tab.

12. Click Create to complete this trigger. The automation now shows the Import task is linked to the CSV import.



Running the Import

Click the green play icon to run the automation task. 



Once the automation runs, you should see notifications on the bottom right of the screen (and events in the Audit Log).



To view the imported users, go to Access Control -> Users.