Importing a custom banned passwords dictionary

Christopher Dakin

LogonBox has a built-in Banned Passwords list that can be used for password policy checking. This article describes how to add your own passwords to the existing dictionary.

There are 2 methods, adding individual passwords separately, or importing a list.


Adding a new password to the dictionary

If you wish to add a new Banned Password, navigate to Banned Passwords in the Business Rules section of the menu and click Create at the bottom.

You can then add a new word and optionally set which Locale to use. Leaving the Locale as Not Set will make this password available to all languages.

Click Create to add the word.


Importing a list of passwords to the dictionary

To import your own list of passwords to the dictionary you first need a flat text file containing your passwords, with one password on each line.

When you have this file, click Upload Banned Passwords.

You can choose to any entries which already exist with Ignore Duplicates, but not that this can cause the import to take a lot longer.

Click Choose file and upload your password list, then optionally set which Locale to make these passwords available for.

Click Upload Banned Passwords to import the list.



When complete, you should see a message at bottom right stating how many passwords were imported.

For example .